12/28開催「The Power of Music! みんなで楽しもうファミリー音楽会」オンライン配信チケットSold Out

公演日:2021年12 月28 日(火)
出演:西上純平(指揮)、田元真木(チェロ)、松本亜土(ヴァイオリン)、越川歩(ヴァイオリン)、オーケストラ(37 名)他
主催:Il fiume (イルフューメ)
特別協賛:認定 特定非営利活動法人 シャイン・オン・キッズ
“The Power of Music! A Family Concert for Everyone to Enjoy”
Due to the COVID-19, many events have been canceled and children’s school events could not be held as well. This concert is designed to give such children a chance to listen to classical music with their families and friends and to give them energy and a good start to the new year by exposing them to live music.
The group of musicians “Il Fiume” has recruited volunteers to support this project, and they’ve invited guests to form a special orchestra!
With Hikari Amano and StuartO as our MCs, we prepared a program for the children to not only listen to the performance but also to experience music firsthand by introducing the instruments and experiencing the role of the conductor.
[If you wish to join online]
When the time comes, please join us by clicking on the URL in the invitation email that you will receive by the day before the show.
Event date: Tuesday, December 28, 2021
The event begins at 15:30- (Doors open at 14:50-)
Venue: Showa University Kamijo Memorial Hall
Performers: Junpei Nishigami (conductor), Maki Tamoto (cello), Ado Matsumoto (violin), Ayumi Koshikawa (violin), Orchestra (37 members), etc.
Special Guests:Eric×erikuo, OriHime
Moderator: Hikari Amano, StuartO
Organizer: Il Fiume
Planning and Direction: Transmedia
Special Sponsor: Shine On Kids, a certified NPO.
It will be live-streamed to around 30 pediatric medical facilities.